
Strategy | Creative

Decentralised finance can be unpredictable and unforgiving. But unchartered territories can be made to feel reachable thanks to Gyroscope’s revolutionary digital platform.

A smart phone showing a Gyroscope card on Apple Pay.
A repeating animation showing the Gyroscope wordmark appearing and disappearing. First a spinning gyroscope icon appears, which transforms into the "G" of the wordmark before the full brand name appears.
A repeating animation. The phrase, "A revolutionary digital currency built on stable technology with boundless potential", written in dark grey in Gyroscope branded-typography, appears on screen against a blue, pink and yellow gradient background.
An animated billboard above two escalators. It shows the phrase, "Revolution in resilience" written in white, disappearing and reappearing through two portals.
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Technology to trust

Gyroscope is trying to tame the wild world of decentralised finance (DeFi). To coincide with the launch of its uniquely reliable stablecoin, Gyroscope asked us to create a brand that would inspire DeFi fans to choose security over chaos.

A toolkit showing all the branded UI for the Gyroscope website.
A smart phone open to Coinbase, showing how the new brand appears on the site.
A mockup of a laptop screen open to Discord, showing how the new brand appears on the site.
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Revolution in resilience

We rooted our work in a new brand idea: revolution in resilience. It shows off Gyroscope’s rare stability in an unstable market — while also highlighting the heights you can reach when someone secure has got your back.

A Gyroscope branded street sign.
A Gyroscope branded poster on a standing street screen at night.
An animation. It shows a Tweet from the Gyroscope account which says, "Are you ready to get involved and help build the future of Gyro?".
Three mockups of Gyroscope branded Instagram posts.
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 An animation. A hand-drawn style illustration of two hands spinning two halfs of a sphere between them.
An animation. A hand-drawn style illustration of a spinning gyroscope.
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Familiarising the unknown

We crafted a visual identity that combines a space age feel with down-to-earth sense, and a welcoming tone of voice that would make anyone want to sit down for a chat.

Three Gyroscope branded stickers stuck next to a laptop's keyboard.
An animation. On an open laptop, the Gyroscope logo appears on a yellow background.
The brand guidelines for Gyroscope laid out in a flat plan on a black background.
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Seeding success

Shortly after the release of their new brand, Gyroscope announced a successful round of seed funding. The team ultimately secured $4.5 million ahead of their stablecoin launch.


Breaking food stereotypes

Impossible Foods

Breaking food stereotypes

Turning climate insights into action


Turning climate insights into action

Humanising a data-driven brand


Humanising a data-driven brand