Climate Group
Strategy | Creative
“A world of net zero carbon emissions by 2050”. That’s the goal of Climate Group. The non-profit, powered by its network of sub-brands, drives businesses and governments to turn climate pledges into climate action.

Connections that cut carbon
Climate Group is powered by its network. But they weren’t speaking in unison. Each sub-brand had its own voice, and the master brand was lost in the noise. Climate Group needed a coherent brand that could lead the chorus to drive real change.

To drive climate action. Fast.
We reorganised Climate Group’s brand architecture to put the revitalised master brand at its heart, and created a galvanising purpose statement: To drive climate action. Fast. That purpose became both the jumping off point for the master brand’s refreshed identity and a rallying cry.

Make your mark
The new brand architecture meant sub-brands had room to shine, but the focus then became creating a powerful master brand to lead the way. We transformed the existing brand mark — the "C" — into a standout element of the brand, a flag for all the sub-brands to fly. Brought to life with animation, the mark conveys three key traits of Climate Group’s work: Collaboration, Scale and Speed.

Stronger together
With its new unified voice, Climate Group can have more of the conversations that really matter, and push governments and businesses to clean up their act. Driving climate action. Fast.