Born Social

Strategy | Creative

Born Social creates award-winning social strategies and campaigns for some of the world's biggest brands. But Born Social’s brand framed it as a plucky challenger – it was time to establish their authority.

Harness the chaos writen in white on light green, in extreme close up. Overlaid on top are three social media emoji icons.
An animation. The Born Social logo appears, stacks the word Born on top of Social, then returns to its original state.
An animation. Messaging sending people to read a whitepaper appears in brand typography. 3D crypto coin icons appear overlaid on top.
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A mockup of Born Social branded Instagram posts.
 A mockup of the search tag system on the Born Social website.
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Master the mayhem

We developed an energetic, confident brand personality to capture Born Social’s mature ambition. At the heart of this was a core purpose – harness the chaos – distilling the agency’s talent for getting the best out of a hectic online world.

A mockup of Born Social's tags and icons that mimic social media UI. It showcases hashtags and emojis.
An screen capture of the Born Social website. It scrolls down the home page, then opens a case study.
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Looking the part

Born Social harnesses chaos. Its new identity does too. We designed a textural type treatment that takes control of different typeface styles, creating graphic elements from the clutter. And we created a warm, assured TOV that befits an industry leader.

An animation. Three mockups of slides in an Instagram story. 3D crytpo coin icons slide in and bounce off one another seamlessly across the three slides.
A shot of a smart phone open to the Born Social Instagram page.
A mockup of slides from a Born Social branded Instagram story.
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Social-first design

As social media is Born Social’s natural habitat, we made sure to use recognisable social motifs throughout the brand and site UX. The result is an identity and website that Born Social's refreshed personality: open, energetic, and confident.

A mockup of a smart watch on a yellow background. The watches screen is the same colour as the background and displays the time, 10.09
A repeating video of the HAA team using Born Social's branded filters.
Large posters in the Born Social brand pasted onto a concrete wall.
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Breaking food stereotypes

Impossible Foods

Breaking food stereotypes

Turning climate insights into action


Turning climate insights into action

Humanising a data-driven brand


Humanising a data-driven brand